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Around the World in 8 Plays

Cast List

We are pleased to announce the cast for the Summer Theatre Festival's White Lake Youth Theatre production of Around the World in 8 Plays. All of those who auditioned, both live and through video auditions, have been cast! Each actor will be playing multiple roles.

Ian Erikson  Bernardo, Alonzo
Hannah Erdman Isabel, Julia
Andrew VanGunst Man, Palace Guard, Snake
Ashley Erdman  Old Man, Queen, Centipede, Pigeon
Johnathon Erwin  Yanecek, King, Palace Guard, King 2, Jonathan, Storyteller
Holly Gould  Maiden 1, Woman, Grandmother, Mango Tree, Villager 2
Braley Johnson  Maiden 2, Younger Sister, Loud Woman, Three Queens 1, Braley
Adrienne Murr  Maiden 3, Witch, Three Queens 2
Miriam Murr  Frankie, Youngest Queen, Guard 2
Madelyn Stembol  Illiana, Sun’s Sister, Princess, Leinster
Leif Kling-Grame  Clink, Dragon King, Sibling 3, Beggar Man
Madi Shank  Older Sister 1, Decrepit Woman 1, Yara, Three Queens 3, Wife
Miracle Batka  Older Sister 2, Little Girl, Sibling 2, Mother
Alexxis Lohman  Older Sister 3, Decrepit Woman 2, Maria, Faqir
Alisson Mastee  Water, Mountain Tosser, Demon
Jack Zwemer  The Dimo, Romeo, Boy
Luke Lewis  Villager, Old Caretaker (mouse), Palace Guard, King 1, Father
Shelbie Noel  Natasha 1, Sibling 1, Big Owl
Caleb Spiklemire  Jerome, Hidesato, Young Boy
Trent Bringedahl  Prince Ivan, Thomas 1, Half-a-Son, Guard 1
Lucy Byam  Old Woman, Tree Rooter, Mercutio, Villager 1
Ensemble  Goats, Dragon Family, Band