If you have any questions about tickets, about an upcoming performance, about volunteering or donating, please feel free to leave a message by call City Hall 231•894•4048 at any time.
Or, if you prefer, you may instead use the Contact Us form on this website to ask questions. Either way, someone will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you for supporting the Playhouse!
Fall and Spring Seasons
Ticket Purchases and Policies
The Fall and Spring Seasons include events held September through June
Tickets for any event at the Playhouse may be purchased at:
- The Playhouse Box Office (at the Playhouse, 304 S. Mears Ave) one hour prior to any given performance by calling
(231) 894-0119 or visiting in person. You may purchase tickets in person during that time. - The City of Whitehall Box Office (City Hall, 405 E. Colby Ave) is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM until 5 PM. You may purchase tickets during these hours by calling (231) 894-4048 or visiting in person.
- Tickets for some of our Fall, Winter, and Spring performances are available through Ludus, our online ticketing service. These events will include a "Buy Now" button as part of the event description. Please note that ticket purchases using a credit card will appear as "Ludus" on your credit card statement.
- Please review our policies listed below
All Sales Are Final
No refunds will be given for any purchased tickets. Tickets may be exchanged, whenever possible and depending upon availability, in person at the box office for a $2.00 service fee.
Ticket Prices
The ticket prices for events held from September through June vary by event. Please consult the current schedule page for details using the EVENTS menu above.
We accept cash, check, or credit cards for tickets purchased for the Fall and Spring (September-June) seasons at City Hall, at the Playhouse box office, or purchased online. A service fee will be added to any tickets purchased using a credit card, whether in person or online.
The Playhouse offer discounts for veterans and EBT card holders. Please call the box office to see which shows qualify, and you will receive a $5 off discount to all in-house productions that are eligible.
Thank you for your consideration.
The Playhouse is a year-round venue. Be sure to visit the EVENTS menu for our complete schedule of plays, music, movies, and more.