Advertising Opportunities Playbill
The 2024 Summer Theatre Festival starts with the weekend of July 12-13 and continues with seven weekends of lively entertainment through August 18.
What is Available?
We have been honored to advertise your businesses over the years in our printed, hard copy Summer Playbill Program. This year, to save trees and to reduce our costs, and to make the best use of our limited staff time, we are offering a digital advertisement opportunity for your business or organization, or to allow our donors and patrons to simply share the love with The Playhouse. Everything in the image displayed is included for the low cost of $199, including on screen, pre-show promotion for the full run of the 2024 Summer Theatre Festival.
Additionally, we will share our thanks through social media posts and links to your website address and social channels from Facebook, Instagram, and our website. On the low end, you can expect up to 3,500 impressions this season for under $200.
There are multiple levels of sponsorships. There are two informational files describing the sponsorships. To learn more please download this PDF file and then download this PDF file *
Adverstising/Sponsorship Contract
Please download this PDF file, complete the form, and return it to us *
*Click on the link to view the file, it will open as a PDF.
* Adobe Reader is required to open and view PDF documents. Depending upon your browser, the downloaded document will either open in a new window or be downloaded directly to your computer. You may then print it and/or save it to your computer.
Thank you in advance for your support of The Playhouse!
Questions / Comments?
Need to know more about advertising? For any questions or comments please use the Contact Form on this website and direct your question to either Beth Beaman, Managing Director, or Cindy Beth Davis-Dykema, Arts Education & Marketing Director.
The Playhouse is a year-round venue. Be sure to visit the EVENTS menu for our complete schedule of plays, music, movies, and more.