The Community Foundation for Muskegon County
You can help and add your name or business to the great tradition of the historic playhouse by also donating to our capital improvement and endowment funds. Checks or donations may be sent to the Community Foundation for Muskegon County and made payable to either of the following two funds:
The Blomdahl Playhouse Fund
This is an endowed fund that supports the operation of the Playhouse at White Lake.
(This fund was formerly known as the Blomdahl Howmet Playhouse Fund)
The Playhouse Capital Non-Endowed Fund
This fund supports capital expenditures, equipment purchases, and renovations of the Playhouse at White Lake.
(This fund was formerly known as the Howmet Playhouse Capital Non-Endowed Fund)
MCF Annual Reports
Donors to these two funds held by the Community Foundation can be found by visiting the Community Foundation for Muskegon County website and downloading the most recent annual report.