“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”
- William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice)
Our Capital Campaign for the Future
The ghost light. Always on. Always lighting the way. If you have spent any time in a theater, you are familiar with this solitary sentry illuminating an empty stage. Part functionality and part folklore, the ghost light protects actors and crew from tripping over a prop, missing a stair, or falling headlong off the edge of the stage. It is also said that the ghost light protects the spirits known to haunt theaters. If you have heard the tale of our Lavender Lady, then you know you are never truly alone in the Playhouse.
The ghost light also connects everything that happens in a theater. It stands alone, waiting for the director, set designer, lighting crew, costume designer, make-up crew and actors—all the players who breathe life into the performance. And when the curtains are drawn, when the set is struck and the floors are swept, when the world of make believe fades into memory and the house lights draw us back to the here and now, the ghost light returns to its post.
For 100 years our ghost light has helped connect everything and everyone at the Playhouse. From patron to performer, from philanthropist to producer, we are all connected. Without us, the Playhouse is merely a building with a solitary ghost light throwing its beams across the stage.
If you are reading this, you are connected to the Playhouse. You are someone who can light the way for the next 100 years.
As a result of our successful campaign the Howmet Playhouse was upgraded, renovated, and transformed into The Playhouse of White Lake at a total project cost of nearly $4 million.
Read more … Download the complete Our Campaign for the Future booklet*
Read more … Download the Vision Plan for the Howmet Playhouse*
View the list of Donors that generously gave to support Our Campaign for the Future
Please contact the Beth Beaman, Managing Director of the Playhouse, for further information.
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